Open *Studios* Night vol.16
The sixteenth evening of open studios is moving once again from our studios to your living room. Tijana Radenković from Serbia and Jagoda Dobecka from Wroclaw, Poland, travelled to Košice even in these times to start their residency and will introduce themselves to you on March 25 at 6 pm via live broadcast on our Facebook. We look forward to another online meeting!
Tijana Radenković is a visual artist from Serbia, now living in Slovakia Bratislava. Her work is at the intersection of identity, body, bio-living systems and contemporary collections (wunderkammer). Radenković’s interests are focused on examining the identity, problematization, function and perception of the human body, beauty and ideals. At the moment she is finishing her doctoral studies at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Belgrade under the supervision of Professor PhD Zoran Todorović.
Jagoda Dobecka (1991) is a Polish visual artist based in Wrocław who uses traditional media, such as painting, sculpture, video to talk about current political and social issues. In 2016 she graduated from the Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Fine Arts in Wrocław at the Painting Faculty.
The residency program is supported using public funding by Slovak Arts Council. Slovak Arts Council is the main partner of the project. The residency of Tijana Radenković is also supported by the Minority Culture Fund. The residency of Jagoda Dobecka is organized in cooperation with the residency program AIR Wro.