Romana Palková

Šopa Gallery, Hlavná 40, Košice 28.06.2024 18.00

Kinga Bartniak: The weary tree blossoms twice

We invite you to the final presentation of the three-month residency of designer and textile artist Kinga Bartniak called THE WEARY TREE BLOOM TWICE in the form of Open Studio. Kinga will present the details of her artistic research on embroidered Slovak textiles. In the final stage, she focused on the traditional folk phenomenon “kútna […]

Residency: July - September 2024

Lisa Deikun (BY)

Lisa Deikun was born in 1992 in Minsk, Belarus. She has been engaged in creative pursuitsthroughout her entire life starting from art classes in elementary school and continuing withenrollment in a contemporary art course during her time at European College Liberal Arts.In 2022, Lisa was forced to leave her homeland due to political persecution because […]

Šopa Gallery / Košice Artist in Residence, Hlavná 40, Košice 20.06.2024 17.00

Wild Garden Utopia workshop I:  BONDING

We invite you to become part of a new chapter of the long-term botanical sci-fi project Wild Garden Utopia, created by the Hungarian artistic duo Kitti Gosztola and Bence György Pálinkás. Through a series of workshops, we imagine a future where Japanese knotweed, a so-called invasive alien species, is the only plant in Europe, and […]

Park Anička, Košice 22.06.2024 15.00

Wild Garden Utopia workshop II: SOUNDSPACE

We invite you to become part of a new chapter of the long-term botanical sci-fi project Wild Garden Utopia, created by the Hungarian artistic duo Kitti Gosztola and Bence György Pálinkás. Through a series of workshops, we imagine a future where Japanese knotweed, a so-called invasive alien species, is the only plant in Europe, and […]

Residency: May - June 2024

Kitti Gosztola a Bence György Pálinkás (HU)

Kitti Gosztola and Bence György Pálinkás are an artist duo Wild Garden Utopia who have been working together since 2016 on projects that focus on the perception and representation of the so-called invasive alien species. Their workshops, installations, videos, and audio works tell stories of green xenophobia, eco-patriotism, the various notions of utility, and ways […]

Deadline: 9th of June, 2024

PRACTICES OF CARE / Open Call / Residency dedicated to the artists from the worldwide

KAIR Košice Artist in Residence is launching an open call for a three-month residency dedicated to professional artists from around the Globe that deal with the theme of care and how it is enacted, expressed, and institutionalized in different contexts. The residency aims to encompass a wide range of formal and informal practices that promote […]