Category: News

Deadline: May 31st, 2019

OPEN CALL for Slovak Artists – Ukraine

K.A.I.R. Košice Artist in residence and NAZAR VOITOVYCH ART RESIDENCE invite visual artists from Slovakia who are working with graphics, ceramics, paintings, photos, and videos, and in their practice are open to involving the local community in the project, to take part in the five-week residency in Ukraine.

Deadline: May 31st, 2019

OPEN CALL for Slovak artists – Novi Sad, Serbia

‘Plants AiR’ programme of the ‘Novi Sad 2021’ Foundation, in cooperation with the KAIR programme, launches a call for artists from Slovakia working in the field of art in public space and street art (graffiti, murals, installations in public space, etc.).

Deadline: May 10th, 2019

OPEN CALL for artists from Izmir, Turkey

K.A.I.R. Košice Artist in residence and Hayy Open Space invite visual artists from  Turkey to take part in the two-months residency in Košice, Slovakia.

KAIR, Hlavná 40, Košice 18.4.2019 at 7 p.m.

Open Studios Night vol.10

In the spring edition of Open Studios Night, our new residency artist – Judit Lilla Molnár (HU) and artistic duo Alexander and Alexandra Krolikowski (UA) will introduce themselves.

Residency: March - April 2019

Duo Krolikowski Art (UA)

The duo Krolikowski Art consists of Alexander and Alexandra Krolikowski who are the Bonnie and Clyde of the art world, constantly overcoming the Universal laws and giving the world a new challenge.

KAIR, Hlavná 40, Košice 13.2.2019 at 7 p.m.

Open Studios Night vol. 9

In this very first issue of Open Studios Night of 2019, two Slovak artists – Svetlana Fialová and Denisa Slavkovská, will tell you a little bit about their time spent at residencies in Japan and Ukraine and on what are they currently working.