Category: News

Deadline: 30.11.2018

KAIR hľadá projektového manažéra / projektovú manažérku

Do tímu medzinárodného rezidenčného programu K.A.I.R. Košice Artist in Residence hľadáme projektového manažéra/ projektovú manažérku so skúsenosťami s realizáciou projektov v oblasti kultúry. Hľadáme niekoho, kto zvládne: Koordináciu rezidenčného programu a projektov, ktoré sú jeho súčasťou. Stráženie rozpočtov k jednotlivým projektom. Základnú administratívu súvisiacu s chodom rezidenčného programu. Prípravu grantových žiadostí a podkladov pre vyúčtovania […]

Šopa Gallery, Hlavná 40, Košice 15. 11. 2018 / 16.00 - 19.00 hod.

Vitaliy Agapeyev – DIY – printing on textiles: simple & nimble

15. 11. 2018 / 16.00 – 19.00 hod. Šopa Gallery, Hlavná 40 Thanks to our close cooperation with the KAIR Košice Artist in Residence, we have prepared for you another great workshop. Ukrainian artist Vitaliy Agapeyev will teach you a technique with which you will be able to simple and easily create an original image […]

Experimental music workshop w/ Tomoko Hojo

Experimental music workshop with Tomoko Hojo Free entrance You need to sign up for a workshop at Tomoko Hojo is an interdisciplinary artist and researcher working within the field of experimental music and sound art who’s on a residency stay here in Košice within programme K.A.I.R. Košice Artist in Residence. During her experimental music […]

Open Studios Night vol.8

In this autumn edition of Open Studios Night, our new residency artist- Tomoko Hojo (JPN) and Vitaliy Agapeyev (UA) will introduce themselves. As usual, you will get to know on what they are currently working on, what are their future plans and you will have an opportunity to get them to know better. Also, there […]

Residency: Október - November 2018

Andrea Kalinová (SVK)

Andrea Kalinová (1980) is a graduate of Milota Havránková’s Art Photography Studio at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design, where she has also completed a doctoral study at the Department of Intermedia with dissertation work: „Artistic strategies as methods used to support and preserve endangered architectural heritage“. In her work, she is concerned with […]

Residency: October - November 2018

Tomoko Hojo (JPN)

Tomoko Hojo is an interdisciplinary artist and researcher working within the field of experimental music and sound art who’s going to participate on a residency stay here in Košice in October and November within project K.A.I.R. Košice Artist in Residence. Through the experiences of performing historical avant-garde musical works, her current works explore site-specific sound […]