Category: News

Residency: September 2018

Katarzyna Kamecka (PL)

Katarzyna Kamecka is a polish dancer who comes from Wroclaw and she’s going for a 3-week residency stay in Košice. There she studied culturology,  worked with the local community at the college and danced at the Academy of New Dance and Contact Improvisation led by Milan and Zuna Kozánek. Currently, she is busy with physical […]

Residency: July - September 2018

Blanka Gyori (HU)

Blanka Gyori (*1989) is a Hungarian artist, based in Budapest whose work you could have seen at many exhibitions – solo and group ones. She finished her studies in 2015 at the Department of Painting at the Hungarian University of Fine Arts and most of her works are dealing with identity building, time and recollection. […]

Residency: July - September 2018

Anežka Hošková (CZ)

Anežka Hošková (*1982) is a significant figure of Czech contemporary art scene, who studied at the Studio of Intermedia led by Doc. Václav Stratil at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Brno. Hošková creates drawings, paintings, objects, installations, and performances. She is a member of A.M.180 Collective, which has been running A.M.180 Gallery since 2003 in […]

Deadline: 2018-05-29

Open Call Ukraine

K.A.I.R. Košice Artist in Residence and NAZAR VOITOVYCH ART RESIDENCE invite visual artists from Slovakia who are working with graphics, ceramics, paintings, photos and videos, to take part in the five-week residency in Ukraine. We are searching for the artists who investigate the genius loci in their practice and are open to involving the local community […]

Hlavná 24, Košice 2018-08-24 19:00:00

Open Call Wrocław

K.A.I.R. Košice Artist in Residence together with AIR Wro as part of the Culture Zone Wrocław are announcing a call for a residency in Wrocław, Poland, addressed to performers, dancers, choreographers and curators working in the field of contemporary dance and performance. Deadline: May 27th, 2018 Residency: September 2018 [3-4 weeks] Vacancies: 1   AIR WRO […]

Open Call Novi Sad

Open Call for New media artist with community-based practice for AiR programme in Novi Sad, Serbia ‘Plants AiR’ programme of the ‘Novi Sad 2021’ Foundation, in cooperation with the K.A.I.R. Košice Artist in Residence, launches a call for artists from Slovakia working in the field of the new media art (including digital art, moving image, installation, […]