Category: Open Call

A.I.R. Maribor, Slovenia

New Artist in Residency Platform in Maribor / Slovenia Maribor GuestRoom Maribor – the city of industrial culture Maribor is the second biggest town in Slovenia, in last 5-6 decades known for its industry and industrial culture, renowned technical faculties, textile industry and wine. There is an active art scene in the city, multimedia, music, […]

A.I.R. Chisinau, Moldova

CHIOSC artist-in-residence program in Chisinau, Moldova Host organisations Kosice 2013 / K.A.I.R. Kosice artist in residence ( Moldova Young Artists Association Oberliht ( Moldova Young Artists Association Oberliht is a non-governmental, voluntary, non-profit and politically non-affiliated society that has its goal the public benefit. Oberliht Association aims to grant support to young artists from Moldova […]