Duo Krolikowski Art (UA)

Residency: March - April 2019

The duo Krolikowski Art consists of Alexander and Alexandra Krolikowski who are the Bonnie and Clyde of the art world, constantly overcoming the Universal laws and giving the world a new challenge. Works of the duo are what contemporary philosophy describes as the metamodernist art, ironic and naive, romantic and conceptual at the same time. Krolikowski duo mostly uses installation, new media, and performance as a medium. They do research in contemporary visual arts, especially photography, and write critical articles devoted to the newest philosophy and contemporary art. Besides that Krolikowski Art give lectures about the search for a new cultural dominant in the 21st century.

Alexandra Krolikowska (1990, Donetsk) is an interdisciplinary artist who focuses on the socio-psychological aspect of modern mankind life. Krolikowska graduated from Cherkasy State University and based her science work on art therapy with using film photography. Krolikowska is inspired by transformational functions of art and works with problems of gender identity, sexuality, youth culture, and fashion.

Alexander Krolikowski (1982, Donetsk) is a conceptual artist seeing art as an instrument of social change, contemporary religious and political studies, the study of methods of information warfare, new media and performance. Lecturer, journalist, and philosopher, studied media science at the Institute of Social Education in Donetsk. Inspired by the metamodern cultural paradigm, develops this cultural theory within themes of post-truth, advertising, and public space, new sincerity and empathy.



The works of duo were exhibited at the Mystetskyi Arsenal, IZOLYATSIA, Dymchuk gallery, Odessa Museum of Contemporary Art (Ukraine), DOX (Prague, Czech Republic), Galata Rum Okulu (Istanbul, Turkey), Summer Gallery (Toronto, Canada), Ukrainian House (Warsaw, Poland), Korea Foundation Gallery (Seoul, Republic of Korea) and others.

The residency program is supported using public funding by Slovak Arts Council. The stay is also supported by Creative Industry Košice. The residency is organized in cooperation with Nazar Voitovich Art Residence.