Vitaliy Kokhan (UA)

Vitaliy Kokhan is a young artist from Kharkov, Ukraine. He spent two months (February until March 2013) in Košice as an artist in residence. His residency was an outcome of a long term cooperation with Kharov City Art Gallery.

Vitaliy is interested in working mainly with raw materials ranging from wood, soil, ice and other natural materials, often being handled in a nearly performative manner. Besides this Vitaliy also works with painting, drawing or graphics, which still bear his fascination with the raw materials.

In Košice Vitaliy explored the city and its close surroundings which might is quite different from the Kharkov ones. During his Košice residency which took two months Vitalii Kokhan worked on art objects which were presented in frame of an exhibition. This final exhibition called Indeed For a While was located at Strojarenska 3 for a while. The exhibition presented a set of art installations which dealt with the phenomenon of time in the context of the history of the city and history in general. The processes of lifetime cycle in nature, its patterns and the transience, even absurdity, of life were captured in panoramic photography, video installations, fictive artefacts and museum like exhibits.

Photos by Michaela Bottkova

You can watch a short video about Vitaliy’s residency here/Krátke video o Vitaliyovej rezidencii si môžete pozrieť tu:

[youtube id=”uUrPcyF3ARk” width=”400″ height=”275″]


Vitaliy Kokhan je mladý umelec z Charkova na Ukrajine. Strávil dva mesiace na rezidencii v Košiciach (od Februára do Marca 2013). Tá bola výsledkom dlhoročnej spolupráce s  Kharov City Art Gallery.

Stredobodom záujmu pre Vitaliyho je najmä práca so surovými materiálmi od jedla až po zem, či iné prírodne materiály. Okrem toho, Vitaliy pracuje s maľbami, kresbami alebo grafikou, no aj tie stále zachytávajú jeho fascináciu surovými materiálmi.

Počas svojho pobytu v Košiciach Vitaliy skúmal mesto a jeho blízke okolie, ktoré sa zdalo byť pomerne odlišné od toho v Charkove. V období dvoch mesiacoch svojej rezidencie Vitaliy pracoval na umeleckých objektoch, ktoré boli prezentované v rámci výstavy. Jeho výstava, nazvaná Indeed For a While, bola chvíľu umiestnená na Strojárenskej 3. Pozostávala zo súboru inštalácií, ktoré sa zaoberali fenoménom času v kontexte histórie mesta a histórie ako takej. Kolobeh života v prírode, vzorce a pominuteľnosť, dokonca aj absurdita života boli zachytené na panoramatických fotografiách, video inštaláciách, fiktívnych artefaktoch a výstavách podobajúcich sa múzeu.

Fotky: Michaela Bottkova