Ognjen Tadić (RS)
Ognjen Tadić (*1996) belongs to the upcoming generation of artists and currently is studying photography at the Academy of Arts at the University of Novi Sad. Trough his work he seeks to convey the feeling of simple joys in life, as well as humor seen in the banality experienced in most day-to-day situations. The themes in Ognjen’s work are personal as much as universal. He is largely focusing on the aspects of play and entertainment through the invention of bizarre and quirky characters and situations. He also addresses the beauty of boyhood and all the changes that come with it. Naive art has a great influence on Ognjen’s work and he looks up to artists such as Bernard Faucon, Michael Northrup, Piero Piccioni, Francis Bacon, Henri Matisse, etc. Ognjen’s artistic works are comprised of paintings, photographs, cartoons, and short films.
Ognjen will spend two months (May – June 2019) at a residency in Košice. The residency is organized in cooperation with Plants AIR, the program of Novi Sad 2021. The residency program is supported using public funding by Slovak Arts Council. The stay is also supported by Creative Industry Košice.