Júl v K.A.I.R.
V Júli v K.A.I.R. nasadáme na druhú vlnu umeleckých rezidencií! Po týždennej pauze sa už na ne s očakávaním pripravujeme.
Ako prvú privítame 2.júla umelkyňu z Gruzínska Anu Tsimintiu, ktorá sa zaoberá najmä tvorbou dokumentov, pričom sa zameriava na ikonické miesta, ktorých význam a účel sa však rokmi zmenil, ostali opustené alebo tam bolo možné vybudovať nový život na pozostatkoch starého. Jej dokumentárny film The Missing story si môžete pozrieť tu. Viac o Ane sa dozviete na našej stránke.
V pondelok 7. júla k nám zavítajú hneď štyria. Umelecká dvojica z Írska Gethan&Myles bude v Košiciach pracovať najmä s verejným priestorom a výsledok si budete môcť pozrieť v októbri na Bielej Noci. K svojmu projektu si prizvali aj svojho 9-mesačného synčeka. Viac o Gethan&Myles sa dozviete na našej stránke alebo na ich blogu.
Spolu s nimi budeme v jeden deň vítať aj nemeckú umelkyňu Lisu Premke. V Košiciach bude pracovať s priestorom s veľkou ozvenou, so zvukmi a akustikou. Výsledok jej rezidenčného pobytu bude tiež predstavený na Bielej Noci. Viac o Lise sa dozviete na našej alebo jej stránke.
V piatok 11. Júla sa na stanici zastavíme po Mateja Al-Aliho, rezidenta z Plzne, ktorý sa však narodil na Slovensku. Venuje sa práci s umeleckým priestorom, jeho diela sú mnohokrát interaktívne, pričom skúma vzťah diváka, aktéra a autora. Viac o Matejovi sa dozviete na našej alebo jeho stránke.
V druhej polovici mesiaca očakávame tiež návštevu z Holandska. Pôsobenie Tilmanna Mayer-Faje sa bude niesť v znamení práce s keramikou, ktorá kontrastne reflektuje modernú industriálnu civilizáciu. Viac o Tilmannovi sa dozviete na našej alebo jeho stránke.
Rezidencie sa konajú aj vďaka veľkej podpore a spolupráci s Geo AIR, Open AiR – Artist in Residence a Goethe Institut in Bratislava.
Na všetkých umelcov sa nesmierne tešíme. Čaká nás teda leto a jeseň bohaté na zážitky, akcie, prezentácie a stretnutia s našimi umelcami, na ktoré ste všetci srdečne vítaní. Budeme vás informovať!
In July we are getting on the second wave of our residencies! After one-week rest we are all in the process of preparations and exciting expectation of artists.
As the first one we will welcome an artist from Georgia Ana Tsimintia on July 2nd. She is concerned with the documentaries production while she takes look at the iconic place of the town, which has shifted or reconstructed its meanings throughout years, has been abandoned or new type of life has become possible to establish on the remains of old. You can watch her documentary movie The Missing story here. To get to know Ana more click on our website.
On Monday, July 7th, it is going to be already four of them coming. Artistic duo from Ireland Gethan&Myles will be dealing with the public space in Košice which will be presented at the Nuit Blanche event. They will also bring a project consultant – their 9-months-old son. To get to know Gethan&Myles more click on our website or their blog.
Along with them we will say Hi to a german artist Lisa Premke that day, too. In Košice she will be working with public space with echoes, assembling the sounds and acoustics. The result of her work will be also shown to the public during the event Nuit Blanche. To get to know Lisa more click on our or her website.
Next to pick up from the station will be Matej Al-Ali on July 11th. This resident will come from Pilsen but was born in Slovakia. Dealing with an artistic space, his works are often interactive, exploring the realtions between the audience, person involved and author. To get to know Matej more click on our or his website.
In the second half of the month we are expecting a visitor from Netherlands. Tilmann Mayer-Faje is connecting the work with ceramics with depicting modern industrial civilisation through it. To get to know Tilmann more click on our or his website.
The residencies are made possible even thanks to a support and cooperation with Geo AIR, Open AiR – Artist in Residence a Goethe Institut in Bratislava.
We are looking forward to each and every of our residents coming and working in Košice! Summer and autumn will be, thus, full of experiences, events, presentations and meetings with our residents. You are cordially invited to attend any of those. We will keep you updated!